Signs your child may have challenges with Language
(including, but not limited to):
Answers WH questions incorrectly or incompletely
Uses ungrammatical sentences in verbal speech or
written work
Has difficulty recalling a story
Demonstrates difficulty defining or using vocabulary
Is unable to define figurative language expressions
Struggles to complete word problems

What is it?

Language is a large umbrella category for semantics, syntax, and morphology.
Semantics refers to word meaning, so therapy targets defining words, understanding the function of objects, labeling items, answering and asking questions, and categorizing. At a higher level, we target understanding and using figurative language, defining multiple meaning word pairs, and stating synonyms or antonyms.
Syntax refers to grammar and the rules of word order.
Morphology refers to the word endings, such as –ing or –ed. Our speech-language pathologists target the following skills for syntax and morphology: addressing word order of sentences and questions, understanding past, present, and future tenses, understanding regular and irregular plurals, using negatives, and including all words in a sentence.
Receptive language refers to what a child is able to understand.
Expressive language refers to what a child is able to tell you.
At Leaps and Bounds, speech-language pathologists assess your child to determine which specific areas of language to target in therapy sessions. A typical session incorporates activities that motivate your child while addressing those specific areas.
Some favorite activities of our clients include following multiple steps to make a recipe, reading a preferred storybook on the swing, and writing words in shaving cream.